
this isn't really 313 related but stilll.. it's techno and mills' name will 
show up.. :)

i just got home from seeing beyer and parisio at sona (in montreal), 
and wow...... 
beyer started off very i won't say housy, but more on the house tip, 
and then just ended off with some really hard tech, sounded like 
new drumcode tracks i've never heard before.. i'm sure there were a 
few if not a ton of dubs.. but wow.. to end his set he played two 
copies of this fucking hard ass track, it had a really hard metallic 
kick with just some crazy highs... and he was going back and forth 
between them, pulling some tricks, it was really nice to hear.. his 
mixing overall was really nice.. last time i heard him he played 
harder for longer and was playing with the eq's a lot.. but tonight 
was really different. it seemed like he was always in the mix, and 
not cutting as much between tracks. then again, at sona all you 
can really hear is bass so..  oh.. he also played "revenge of the 
jaguar" and i think it was the aztec mystic version, but with the 
way the highs are in sona i couldn't tell..plus he didn't let it play for 
very long, maybe 2 minutes and then he was in the mix again.

as for gaetano his style was like a complete 180 of beyer's..i was 
really excited to hear this guy spin, and i got something completely 
unexpected....  if you're gonna see him any time soon: expect to 
be taken on a very deep techno journey. he loves the eq's, and he 
used them so well! ususally he would cut the bass and drop the 
mids for the tracks he was bringing in, and would land everything 
perfectly. he had everyone in the crowd screaming with each mix! it 
was a awesome!! his tracks were hard but not hard like beyer's 
were, he played some code red's (the advent rmx on code red 10, 
and i think this is code red) a whole bunch of his art tracks
and some other gems, this one track he played had this really nice 
vocal sample of girl singing 'except tonight' or 'expect the night' i 
think .. it was really nice, any id's on it?


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