From: laerm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: Re: (313) Line Up : Detroit electronic music festival
Date: Mon, May 1, 2000, 7:25 pm

On Mon, 1 May 2000, Dale Lawrence wrote:

> The DEMF will take place Saturday, May 27th through Monday, May 29th:
> We are currently updating the website (http://www.demf.org or
> http://www.demf.net) with the press conference info, but here
> is the line-up.

oh wow.

a disturbance in a system.                                            ####
laerm. @voicenet.com                                                  ##:#

and I'll "ohh Wow!***!!! times a trillion that and why ohhh soddin why am I
stuck in LOndon without 'nuff dosh to get me to Detroit for this ...
aaarrrArrrGgHHh!"   am feelin all shivered up and excited just at the
thought of it  ... Cor blimey Guv, aint seen a blistering line-up like that
for some time now ...  gotta get me to Detroit by hook or by crook, come
rain come shine,  by legal/illeagle means, whatever it takes ...


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