speaking of Regis, I saw a copy of Gymnastics cheap in town. What do people
think of that?

Usually I'd buy cheap imports on spec but I'm pretty poor at the moment (uni
+ bills...).

For that reason I'll probably be missing out on Oliver Ho and Herbert... :(

btw did I hear right that Mick Harris is doing a remix for for one of Ho's


> it is sequential 1 with a damon wild rmx, isn't it? yeah, i also like it
> very much. regarding to the regis album, is there a release date so far?
> also, anyone heard the new downwards, lino24 by regis? very good imo, with
> extreme industrial approach
> -----Original Message-----
>  >In a message dated 5/10/00 1:19:27 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>><< new oliver ho album? is it on meta? can anyone give me info on this one?

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