>>Drugs are anti-social!

>Drugs aren't anti-social. 

Yeah, that was flippant of me. My inner snob speaking maybe.  I am still mad
at how all these ravers enjoyed my experience at Hardware 16 with Mills. I
am the kind of person who values my space. It took me an hour to find a nice
little niche where I could watch and dance and I was cross when these kids
came along and kept molesting me. 

In some ways having all the guys out on E is actually safer for women at the
venues - they can be overly friendly but less threatening. I would say that
almost all of my colleagues in the industry have taken them and I do notice
that some of my friends have profound short term memory loss and I attribute
this to *excess* drug taking, so I worry for them. 

Maybe moderation is the key. I am just a square who has never taken them but
having worked in the industry, I accept that drugs are here to stay. And you
can live a vice free existence and be absolutely miserable (ironic joke). I
actually agree with D May on his views on drugs. 

Hmmm. Back to the music. Anyone care to comment on the new Steve Stoll
album? The Anthony Rother is amazing - very grand. I am still making my mind
up about the Gemini LP.  

Please someone tell me what is up with the new Stacey Pullen album on
Science. I reckon Peter will know.



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