i think the term acid-trance is most fitting. is it just me or is the 303 getting a big revival? also about hybrids, does anyone love electro-trance as much as me?(stuff like der dritte raum's 'hale bopp', bbe's 'seven days and one week', or even i-f's stuff) i know 313 ain't all about trance so much..and i agree build-up after build-up and signature sounds and makes me want sell my dancing shoes too, but theres something really special about some trance that can feel like a soundtrack for reflection. i know that sounds cheesy, but i don't care :) well, good luck to all, in your electronic music pursuits. and my guess is that there will be a lot more 'acid-trance' at your local rave, more 'trancey-breaks' and new school breaks in general, so if you don't like it, be warned :)

p.s. whats up with gothic trance...yuk! or latin trance.."i'm losing my mind, waiting for the sun to shine" a real song, sung from some guy that sounds like 'tattoo' from fantasy island, followed by a sample disk snare roll into some fiesta style horn lines...whack!



ok, i was just wondering what everbody thinks.  I have
been listening to some of the brittish acid techno
like dave the drummer, chris liberator, roland the
bastard (what a name, gotta love that guy), julian
liberator, etc, etc.  i have noticed some similarities
between it and trance.  a bouncy baseline, snare drum
rolls.  but it is still way too agressive to be
trance.  whats the deal?  am i the only one who
noticed it?  it don't matter though, i still like it.

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