Was speaking to Cisco/The Advent a few days ago and he seems to be majorly hyped about his future work. Cool guy, and still can enter the darkside even though he couldn't resist the urge to speak about his two children. He's moving to Portugal next year. He gave major props to a few producers - Umek, Oliver Ho, Gaetano Parisio and Marco Carola. He particularly likes the mental Italian style - the darker, harder edge. He dissed trance and wouldn't speak about it ruining the UK's music scene because "it's too fucking depressing"!!! :) Amen.
Also, I am currently researching an article on the whole UR/Sony fiasco and would appreciate any comments anyone on this list would have. I've gotten comments from a variety of people - including Dirk Dreyer (if anyone wishes to see what he wrote back to me I am happy to pass them on) and many Australian based and international producers, writers and DJ's. Although some people have made the comment the issue is over I don't believe it is. The point isn't that Sony screwed UR, it is the precedent it will set for techno in the future and the way the major companies work when they can't have what they want. Besides, Knights of the jaguar would never have "shifted major units" if put out by a major. It's not dumb, obvious or over the top!

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