You people are all gonna give me head noogies for this, but ...

Unfortunately, I won't be able to join you all for the love-in, oops, I mean
the DEMF  :-)

The lure of a US $300 r/t ticket to Tokyo (yes, that's not a typo ... $300 ...
I <*HEART*> on-line airline ticket auctions) proved too much.  I'm leaving
tomorrow and won't return to the States until at least May 31st, and more
likely the first week in June.  So I'm afraid I'll have to miss the DEMF  :-(

I'm taking small solace in the fact that at least I'm going to Sonar to make
up for it!

If any of you have any recommendations for Tokyo, I'm all ears.
(Liquid Room still open?  Any Ken Ishii sightings of late?  URL's?  etc. etc.)

I'll be there for DEMF II, though.  Count on it!

        - Greg

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