Cyclone Wehner wrote:

> Did you ever read the Mayday interview in Mixmag? It came out a few years
> ago. Anyway, he explained it in his usual eloquent manner there.

here is an excerpt from the Mixmag interview of what derrick had to say drugs in
the dance scene, :

Looking at some photo's with the writer:

"That's a bunch of stupid girls at a party in Belgium. I can't get with these
kind of girls. I don't find the way they party reality. They're gonna fuck
themselves up and look like shit after a few years and they regret it. They
really do regret it. It's like people actually think youth is eternal. A lot of
people believe it. I don't understand it at all."

And this makes him angry?
    "What does it say about the music that we have to do so many drugs to
simulate the feeling of euphoria? I don't need no damn drugs to put me out
there. I've never taken drugs, never smoked a joint, never taken ecstacy, never
snorted coke, never tried any drug in my life, not one time, never. I don't have
anything against drugs. I just don't understand why people can't be themselves.
What's wrong with that?"
    What's wrong, he explains, is that the drugs embody or promote a level of
slackness that he finds hard to tolerate. "Unfortunately most of these kids will
never understand what the music was all about or what it could be about. And
unfortunately the DJs - not all of them - who play the music should be ashamed
of themselves and they should realise that they are not contributing anything to
anything. And, yeah, people dance at their parties but could they actually take
one of those records they're playing now and play it in five years time and
somebody actually remember what it sounded like? And how many of the guys
playing records now could actually say he loves the music that he plays with a
sort of heart and soul so when he plays he's bleeding inside? He's feeling
totally as if he just made love to the music?"
    "We Hollywood DJs who are supposed to be the new leaders of the underground,
we're pityful man. We're pitiful. Only a few of us have any real heart, any real
intention of making a chance or trying to make a difference. Only a few of us
understand what it's all about. The rest of these guys popped up out of the
water and they're taking the scene exactly nowhere. And the drug culture is
right along with it because most of the kids out there dancing to this music
don't understand why anybody else would like this music until they pop a pill
and all of a sudden the music sounds funky.
    "So the kids take a pill to feel the funk and the DJ takes a pill to feel
the funk. I don't take a pill to feel the funk. Carl don't take a pill to feel
the funk. Glenn Underground don't take a pill to feel the funk. Derrick Carter
might take a pill for fun, but not to feel the funk."

> I don't think he has a moral problem with drugs, it's more that it hurts him
> that people need drugs to feel the music when it should be their own souls
> and hearts that respond to it. What does it say about your music if people
> need drugs to feel it? It also pains him to see people self-destructing. I
> think that's it.

i agree with that, how many times have people on this list tried to talk to a
friend about the music you like/love and have them dribble shit like "oh yeah,
but you have to pop a pill to like that crap"? i know i have many times.



np - promises, promises - burt bacharach

p.s - if anyone on the list would like me to type the whole interview with
derrick, email me.

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