this is a time and geographically based email about getting to the DEMF for
those who want to skip it....

I am going down to the DEMF after a weird last minute scheduling allowed for
it, unfortunately I HAVE to be in Toronto very first thing(7 am) in the
morning on Monday the 29th, so I miss that entire day....this sucks but
between the first 2 days and the after parties, I'll see and hear more than
enough real music to keep me happy for a long while .  My problem lies in
that the last train leaves at 5:30 on Sunday back to TO.  This means I'd
have to miss the dopest section of the event for me; the electro madness
with Adult, Assault, ectomorph, etc.  I REALLY REALLY would love to figure
out some way to pull off staying to the end of the event on Sunday...does
anybody from the windsor/detroit or Toronto area know anything about late
night buses making the trip past or close to midnight?  I'm thinking all the
hard core gamblers might want to go till the last minute on the weekend or
something.  Any help would be appreciated. See you all soon!


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