
Coil are one of my all-time favorite groups.  I just saw then in london for 
their first live performance ever.  Amazing.

Though they aren't really making "dance" music anymore, they are still 

Their latest album was released this week.

if you want to know what they've been up to check out:

http://www.brainwashed.com/coil , and if for some strange reason anyone wants 
to know what the hell I look like check out 
http://www.brainwashed.com/coil/images/live .

Talk about the elists I'm on going full circle...I'm gonna forward the below to 
the coil list



>No one mentioned Coil? I suppose that would fall under the Wax Trax
>I'm surprised how well "The Snow" holds up. Goddam if this doesn't still
>destroy a dancefloor. It's too bad Jack Dangers has moved in the direction
>he went. He had a pretty large influence on "The Snow". Anyone remember
>Stolen and Contaminated Songs? NASA/Arab is amazing. I guess I'd have to be
>one of the uncool that cite industrial as their pathway into techno and
>house. I used to think Kraftwerk was industrial <hides head in shame>, but
>that was many moons ago.

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