At 28-5-00 -0400 02:12, you wrote:
>101+303+808=Now Form A Band
>Sabrettes UK

>- TURBULENT FORCE: Metamorphic Structures
>- POINT ALPHA: Alpha Acid
>- THD: Steel Mill
>- THD: Spaldang
>- POD: Mollusk
>- POINT ALPHA: Data Blast
>- PSYCHE: Street Stomper
>- POD: Geodesic Dome
>- LORDS OF AFFORD: Do Laugh (Whitey Part 4)
>- PSYCHE: Adrenalin Rush

Would anyone have information on this CD/ does anyone know whether the Psyche
and Pod tracks on this comp. are Carl Craig and Kenny Larkin respectively?

hmm, probably not.
carl & kenny indeed used those monickers,
but the track titles seem unknown to me.

np. pod - nothern lights
 forcefield | mindless entertainment _ __  ___

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