... is to be completely invisible (Gaijin, too old, too ugly - choose
any two) in the city with the world`s highest concentration of beautiful
women (by at least two orders of magnitude over any other place I`ve been
to), Tokyo.

The fashion police here have dictated that all women under (some age,
probably 30-35) must wear heels, from the sensible to the ludicrous
(and downright dangerous), remember those 6-8 inch wooden wedgies
from 1974?  They`re baaaaaccck and alive and well and living in Shinjuku.
Craziest sight: the most beautiful ones with fake tanning bed tans and
frosted hair (blonded) and frosted makeup, teetering on said heels.  It`s
crazy here.  Shinjuku is truly an amazing place (think: Neon Overload).
In Akihabara you can find anything electronics-wise, I bought a Nikon
CoolPix 990 today (Not yet available in the States, for some weird
reason).  Others (Sony, Canon, etc.) have already matched its 3.4 megapixels.

Wish I could add a Techno report, but when I went to the Liquid Room
(as in the mix CD `Jeff Mills Live At The ...`) there was no Techno
happening.  I missed a rave out at Mount Fuji by a day  :-(   Sigh.
I continue to look for a Tokyo Techno clubbing fix.  Must run now, it is
11:30 PM and strangely, the trains/subways stop at midnight.

Your Techno Playboy tourist,

        - Greg

P.S. Hope everyone reading this on 313 is having fun at DEMF!!!  Bastards!
     hehehehe  :-)

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