Hey.  This is going to be real short....I'm going to St. Louis tomorrow
morn to find a house and i need to recuperate.....

This has been the most blessed weekend I've had in the city in years
without a doubt.

Why the hell did the CPop stage SHAKE?!?  The past three days, I've WANTED
to check out the underground vibe....but the CPop stage was like an effing
MAGNET!  A local, Drew (??) was putting in work last night mercifully
pulling me away from Gary Chandler (no knock on Chandler at all...but he
used to be a HOUSE dj, and i didn't come to demf to hear music i could
hear in detroit clubs).  We were muddy...and cold...and gigging our asses

Damn near forgot.  Can I give a shout out to Bruce the effing BONGO
KING!!!!!  He worked with Minx, with Mike Grant, and with Drew, and every
time he pulled all TYPES of stuff out of his ass.  How the hell he was
able to play in sync with DJs of so many different styles I'll never know.

Didn't get to see Saunderson, but I did get to see May.  He should've been
the one to take us ALL home....but the people in the crowd didn't really
know who he was, and they died for Hawtin.  Totally understandable...

So we're waiting for May to start....and he begins with something that
SOUNDS like the beginning to SLAVE TO THE RHYTHM (Grace Jones).  A deep
dark voice intoning "SOUND.....RHYTHM.....EXPRESSION...GRACE...."

Just when I thought he we break into Nude Photo, or maybe Wiggin', or
maybe IT IS WHAT IT IS...what the hell does he pull out?

THE BIG PAYBACK by James Brown.  DAMN.  You can just imagine where it went
from there.  All I know is that when he played NO UFO'S....my voice was so
hoarse from shouting when me and my boys screamed the lyrics it sounded
like this....

"THey SAy there is NO HOpe....THEY say nO ufO...wHY iS nO head uP higH
mayBE you see them FLY!"

this was the shit.  i will never forget it.

(tangential sidenote...why was DJ Bone so helluva that we had to drag
ourselves to see May?)

         Lester Kenyatta Spence     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
         Assistant Professor, Political Science
         Washington University at St. Louis
         "We illuminate the contradictions and call it
          the light"

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