
While I am having this jones for pre-90's dance music, can anybody give
me a run down on the S'express records. They are one of those groups
that I have known about for years, and I have never heard their music or
known anybody who owns it. I take it they were Mark Moore's UK pop-acid
house cross over group in the late 80's. I know that Carl Craig and
Derrick May contributed rhythm programming to their last full length.
Should I try hunting this stuff down, or is it not worth the effort? 

thanks in advance, 

>He was the guy behind "L.A. Mix"... A house band from the UK that had one
>big hit "Love Together" on A&M's Breakout sub-label. Most material was put
>out between '88 and '91. They had a few other UK hits, and at least one

yeah the big thing they did was a track called "Check This Out" on
polydorvery S Xpress/Bomb the Bass era sort of thingstill that "Big
Funn" remix is the BEST version by far,i think there was another track
that sampled the very same bit that he added to it(maybe it was by him
too?),but i can't [EMAIL PROTECTED] moment i think he was also in Paradise X
,with the 808 State guys but i can't find it to make sure ;)

 Michael Taylor : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Still looking for a custom fit in an off the rack world

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