the guy from *california* said:

>>>now all this dissing on uberzone needs to stop. he may not be straight 313
material but he does have a heavy electro influence and defintely DOES NOT

well, i don't know if he plays off dat, but he has a stupid drum pad that he
pretends is a drum kit, on which he taps out his terrible breakbeats while
jumping around in a manner that makes fatboy slim look coordinated... oh, and we
can't forget the requisite laser light show that accompanies this horror...

ok, i know i shouldn't be prolonging this discussion, but if one act embodies
everything i hate about electronic music, it is uberzone.

now, we should stop talking about uberzone, not because he deserves a break, but
because he has abosultely no connection to 313 aside from one misguided
listmember as a fan...


jeez i'm sarcastic this week... must be the hidden anger coming out from losing
a 20 gig HD... sorry guys, bear with me...

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