>Since I live in SF and pormote clubs here I get to put my 2 cents in. If a
>good Detroit or Chicago house Dj shows up at a club (Gemini and K Hand and
>Theo Parrish come to mind) they play the same flacid boring ass shit that
>all the locals do.  no crescendos, no valleys sterile.

I had precisely this experience, to the letter, seeing Stacey Pullen at the
SF Museum of Modern Art party. This was a great venue, and when I saw Stacey
Pullen in Seattle in '97 it was the best set I had ever seen. While the
exhibition was top notch, and Mark Ambrose's set had it's moments, Stacey
Pullen was "no crescendos, no valleys sterile" - precisely. So, I didn't
have huge hopes for his set @ DEMF, which was considerably better, but still
nothing like when I saw him in Seattle in '97. I get the feeling he "plays
for the crowd" a little too much these days.

On the whole, I was much less impressed with the huge-name DJs @ DEMF than I
was by the rest. Don't get me wrong, they were still damn good, but Give me
Derrick Plasaiko or Theo Parrish over Stacey Pullen any day. I think I
prefer emotion from a DJ, even if the set isn't mechanically tight.


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