Check this. Rumour has it that the Magic Feet people are behind this one.
A compact overview of the UR/Sony battle by Nick Craddock here, as well.

Wes (gearing up for Thomas Brinkmann tonight, live at Mettle, 129 Peter) 

On Fri, 9 Jun 2000, ? | ?h?????2? wrote:

> finally, a REAL magazine.  ;P
> >From: bone alex david <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: bone alex david <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: (G-TECH) Re: new Reks/Oliver Ho
> >Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2000 01:34:23 -0700 (PDT)
> >
> >Speaking of Oli Ho, there's this interesting interview
> >on this free UK fanzine called Overload...My office
> >mail server is down, so I do not have the URL on top
> >of my head...anyways...he sez smthng like for "new
> >wave" of producers such as himself, classics like
> >Strings Of Life holds little meaning as he wasn't even
> >into Techno back in those days...
> >
> >I will try to post the URL later, hopefully the online
> >issue carries the interview, there're lots of other
> >interesting things Oli said there as well...
> >
> >The fanzine also carries interviews with Jamie
> >Anderson, The Advent etc. etc. nice work.
> >

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