
Agreed with your sentiments there!! I only hung around for Carl Craig because I'm old and my better half was coming down with a sore throat, so as soon as she said "I'd like to go!", we left. I would have loved to hang around for Claude Young and Biftek too but due to the above and not doing drugs... I mean who can still be dancing at 7 or 8am in the morning when getting a club at 11pm to 12am, without doing drugs or alcohol?!?!

Anyhow, Carl's live set was a real treat.. he rates up there as one of my favourite musicians' for his body of recorded work and his live set lived up to my lofty expectation. It was incredibly good and damn funky put still kept an air of that mystical Detroit vibe that sends shivers down my spine. My better half said "that the music he played was great and why don't you play that?"... I replied "I do I have all his recorded work on CD". She replied "Well play it for me!!" :) I recognised a few tracks Climax, At Les (Damn fine version too!!) and his E2-E4 remake (what's that called again? Remake.. right?). His set was about 1hour and 10 mins from memory and for a live set its of good length as most that are usually associated with a night full of DJ's are usually 30 to 45mins. I was way happy with the music, the venue, the crowd and having got to see one of my heroes perform live. Carl if you read the 313 list.. "Thanks mate for sharing your musical genius with us Australians and I hope to see you back on our shores soon for a repeat performance". :)

Btw, I got there about 11'ish and Patrick was playing HAF style techno in the bottom room so if you were expecting his set to be like his previous (Juan Atkins) match-up with James Bond you would have been in for a rude surprise.


Aural Industries Pty Ltd
Aural Industries Pty Ltd

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