>I posted a request yesterday, but haven't got any 
responses. Can anyone =
> tell me a little more about D.Wynn? During the DEMF he 
was referred as the =
>"legendary" D.Wynn. What's is roots? Anyone know? Any 
help would be =
>appreciated. Thanks.

D. Wynn was part of R-Tyme an early Derrick May project in 
87?, AFAIK they produced 2 or 3 tracks (illusion, r-theme 
(one of the best Detroit Techno tracks ever!!, IMHO). D. 
Wynn was also one of the 3? people that ran 'the music 

What has he produced since then? -  i wouldn't have a clue, 
but if his early material is anything to go by i am sure it 
would be cool.


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