Fred (and 313):

I just went through a similar thing with my insurance rep.  Initially they
were able to give me a "bulk guess-ta-mate" rate..i.e.  i told them how
much i thought my collection was worth..    i valued every record i had at
5 bucks a pop...   meaning i put a value of 20K.   then i added 5K for
"rarity" selections...   to put the total value at 25K.   they were
comfortable with this until their higher ups made them look into it...   

now it gets nasty...  i am technicallyy still covered for 25K worth of
records..(acutally i pay for 35K so that over the next my
collection grows...i will still be covered...cost: extra 10 bucks a year).
so their higher ups are forcing me to create a database of ALL of my
records.  including estimated cost.   for now..  they took pictures of my
studio and my crates/shelves/boxes/piles  but i have 4 months to create
the database for them. (and it will be online soon too!..)  

other people ive spoken to have different tales of insurance reps...  some
require the database upfront...some dont require it at all...  mine would
not have required it..except 1/2 my policy is based on the vinyl

good luck.   these people suck.


> Does anybody know the value of an original pressing of "Techno! The New 
> Dance Sound of Detroit"? I mean, the street value, what it would sell for in 
> a shop in the USA (like Submerge)? I have a was a gift from a very 
> good friend, and no, I'm not looking to sell it. I just want to know the 
> value of it (please Dustin, no pseudo-intellectual discussions about 
> *value*) so I can alert my insurance representative if need be. Oh...yeah 
> it's really goooood, though I rarely play it.
> FMcMurry
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