
I have to agree with the comments about the Urban Tribe album (prior to the recent mailstorm). I have to confess that I never gave it the full attention it deserved when I first bought it (hangs head in shame), but the more I've listened to it over time, the more I've come to appreciate it and feel quite how deep it really goes. Definitely one of my favourite purchases last year that's never far from the stereo.

Also I recently bought a compilation (Freezone 3) that features Claude Young's Multiplicity Of Zeros and Ones. I am completely in awe of this track, and feel that I must have been hiding under a stone some place to have overlooked it ! I was already impressed at what an impressive DJ, and really personable guy he is, but the fact he can he can make electronic soul like this is breathtaking. Any hints as to what else I should be looking out for from Claude would be really appreciated.

I'm still learning, thanks 313. :-)


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