Even broader, communication is the art and language is one of many media
available.  However, communication happens only on the part of the
recipient, thus meaning is only assigned by the listener (or viewer or
taster etc.) guided by genetics, social interaction, weather, mood, time of
day, etc.  The beauty of music is how it is so undefinable what the
definition or rather meaning of it is, however the effect it has on us.
This list is direct evidence that we share that.  I think BMG put it in
perspective best when we were talking about Aphex Twin's Picture Disk
(HMNE/Joyrex J9ii, I think... HP can help me out w/that one ;).  The
conclusion was that it was so incredibly aggressive and unrestrained that it
invoked so many emotions that it became frustrating.  Not that the emotions
were frustrating, but rather that there was nothing that could quite top it
(musically), nothing that would surpass that particular degree of
provocation.  Bringing the point that the effect of music is some thing in
tune with (bad pun) language, but by way of a different media and thus a
different type of cognitive thought.  Language is interesting, but music is
seductive, provocative, aggressive, etc.  more to the point emotionally

A picture is worth a thousand words.  A song must be worth at least 1,000
times that.

Sorry about the rambling, but I'm listening to Autechre (ep7)...

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