I think it's actually a racial thing. Trance is so BIG right now because it's non-threatening, white music...

Oh boy! It's a straight continuum to the EURO-sound that was up in the 80's. "Euro-beat", "Euro-disco" whatever you call it. I think it's simply THE SOUND that affects these people. A little melancholic melodies, straight march-beat and "desperate" feelings... I honestly don't see much difference between Bad Boys Blue and some current anonymous trance, except the latter is faster of course.

Europeans (and most underaged whites) don't wanna sweat (don't wanna FUNK that is), and they always lack of serotonin, so they tend to listen music that reflects their moods.

I realised this when trance was forming itself from Techno in the early 90's, mainly coming from Germany and other classic Euro-beat countries; The sound was gettin sadder and sadder, so at one point you thought you were in a middle of a funeral when listening to these tunes. Also there was a lot of babble about techno's "classical music" and "orchestral"-aspects, pullin' all kinds of Nietzschean-philosophies and "DJ is GOD who plays the crowd"-bullshit into it. Trance was seen as the modern dionysian music.

Of course major part of the "groove-elements" washed away when "despair" was becoming the main element fuelling trance music. It became a little too one-sided I think... A little too "Sturm und drang" if you know what I mean? You can always listen to a Vivaldi-tune, but if you listen to it all the time, you gonna end up slashing your wrists:) Music, like life, isn't based on one mood.

I think FUNK has got all the feelings in it AT THE SAME TIME, that's why it makes you sweat. Cause when it hits you, you try to cope with it, but you can't go or come anywhere because YOU DON'T WANT TO. It's a musical analogy to life, where different feelings battle each other at the same time. Of course when I say FUNK I mean the funkiness of music not just Funk music...

Phew! Where's that Mothership, I wanna get onboard!


PS. Gladly the music with "FUNK"-elements always comes back in fashion from time to time, last time it was in '94-96 when Detroit techno and Chicago-house were on the map in Europe. Before that, ACID HOUSE kicked Europe's discoing ass and slapped her in the face sayin': "You gotta JACK and JERK to get out of that misery!" Wise words....

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