One of my original points was if anybody had heard the Mr.C 100% mix and I was hoping that someone has. Does anybody have an opinion about his take on Detroit techno?


PS I realize that I have opened a nasty can of worms here and to all of you involved or trying to evade the threads, I'm really sorry. I just thought it was relavent to the subject of Detroit techno (I was thinking about labels like Black Nation, and their way of approaching the subject, at the time I wrote).

From: "JL Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "JL Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [313] Napster and racism
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 22:00:01 -0400

That's a strong "blanket" statement.  Remember, racism is an extreme
expression of superiority of one particular race over another.
I would guess most people wherever they may be don't fall
into that category.  It's more like people choose to associate
with whom they are most comfortable and that they share
some sense of commonality with.  Thats quite different from a dislike
based on race.

sorry to butt in, but i think some here need to open their eyes
every once in a while.

/home/lunarpark-1/Jim J.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tosh Cooey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2000 8:10 PM
Subject: [313] Napster and racism

> I'm racist, guess what; so are you.  If you're not racist then you're a
> liar.  Everyone has some racial prejudices in them, but most intelligent
> people are able to identify these and not let insignificant feelings
> cloud their judgements about another human being.
> It should be noted that Europeans and North American's use different
> brands of racism, steeped in different contexts and refined in unique
> experiences.  We both look at eachother and see racism, and it's true,
> but smart people can overcome this, so smarten up you fuckwits.
> Tosh

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