>my only problem is finding records
>> that are pre 1990.  
>I think that is part of the reason why you may disagree with Cyclones
>post about people not liking early techno. 

Actually, I think don't think you were referring to my post (for once! :) )
as I would never argue that. I think me and the Navy guy (sorry, man, I
forgot your name, is it Richard?) were agreeing about the ongoing appeal of
those records.

Me, I don't believe May's work will ever date, it's like Marvin Gaye's
stuff. It's about the feeling and the fact that it timelessly encapsulates
an era (not contradictory if you think about it) and everytime you go back
to those records you will be astonished at just how evocative they are.

It's like The Message isn't the slickest hip-hop record but it stands up
because..... it just does. 



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