I'm sitting here scrolling through my mailbox today, deleteing  all of 
the e-mails that even sound like flames, and chuckling to myself.  How could 
anyone think that hardcore, trance, jungle, or whatever  made up genre  you 
decide to pull out of "generation ecstacy",  is progressive. 
    I guess the only good analogy i can think of is that of DNA.  Double 
strand dna is more stable, less likely to mutate because the protiens have to 
line up in order for it to work, Hence the more advanced organisms (plants, 
animals, detroit techno) possess double strand dna.  THey are more stable and 
less likely to mutate into extinction because they in effect have a broader 
base.  On the other hand, organisms possessing single strand dna tend to be 
offshoots of mutations of double strand organisms( viruses,  
gabbertrancejunglecorebreaks).  As a result they are less stable and tend to  
die out, or completely  change in order to survive(or follow a trend).  
    So i guess the moral of the story is as follows:
        *first...Just because detroit hasn't spawned something  for europe 
(no disrespect to all the real european heads) to turn into a new rave cliche 
in a little while, doesn't mean that detroit is in a state of stagnation... 
in fact i could be convinced that in two years someone in the  
"fatherland"(WTF???)will be making "ghettotekgabbercoretrancebeaks"...

        * secondly....Captain Morgans is the shit

        *and finally... stay low stay strong stay underground


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