I'm sorry, I was going to keep quiet about this but I'm simply flabbergasted!!

I've been away for the past week on a short holiday and, deliberately, not been 
near a computer 
to check my mailbox.  I left the discussions with everyone raving about the 
overall success of 
the DEMF as well as offering constructive insights as to how improvements could 
be made and how 
certain performances were "better" than others in some very valid opinions.  
Lots of excitement 
and a general buzz around the D and where we're all heading with it.  (Big 
cheers to Bill 
VanLoo for a particularly excellent report!)

I return today to a load of...shite (frankly) about racism, trance, 
gabber/hardcore and the 
"death of Detroit"?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?  I have now been on this list for quite 
a while, but 
only speak up when I'm really moved to say something...this is now:

Racism - never heard such shite in my life.  When I'm in a record shop I'm 
focusing on the 
sound of the record, the music, the funk.  I often have no idea who has made 
the record, where 
they come from or what they look like - it makes absolutely no difference!  
Yes, I agree that 
the most influential techno (and house) has come from black artists, but who 
gives a fuck?  
Let's just remember a certain techno producer's definition of techno as "like 
Kraftwerk and 
George Clinton stuck in an elevator...", that says it all for me...integration, 
innovation - NO BARRIERS.

Gabber/Hardcore - Detroit music is not just about clubland.  Techno has always 
had a wider 
definition than other forms of "dance music" in my opinion.  Yes, it has its 
basis and general 
market on the dancefloor, but one of the reasons I am so passionate about 
techno is that it is 
transcends that environment...think Galaxy to Galaxy, Icon, just about all of 
Songs of Food and 
Revolutionary Art.  Unlike all this stupidly hard and fast hardcoresque stuff, 
you don't need 
to be pumped full of amphetamine (or worse) or any other drug to get it.  Music 
affects a 
person on many levels and dancing is a spontaneous expression of all those 
emotions.  If the 
"music" is only intended as a pulsating, hard as fuck, agressive kick-drum, 
then that's all the 
emotion you'll get.  Mr Dance Extasy (ha ha), I really am not in the business 
of dissing people 
and consider myself open minded about ALL forms of music, but you are simply a 
sad, drugged-up 
little boy and have no place to comment on music as you evidently don't 
understand it, any of 

Trance - seems that ship is now sinking anyway.  Trance is just crap pop music 
(in my opinion), 
now in the hands of the corporates and trundled out to club ponses who go to 
"super-clubs" to be seen and admired with the music as some insignificant 
factor in the 
precedings.  No soul, no funk, just one blue print track that everyone clones 
to their own 
String-pad preset (no. 1 usually) on the latest Korg trance machine, as they've 
only owned for 
1 week, after seeing Paul Van Dyk miming with one on Top of the Pops.

Death of Detroit music - Stagnant for the past 9 years, I'm not even going to 
merit that kind 
of blanket ignorance with a response...you all know.

As for our friend that doesn't seem to know the difference between trance and 
techno; stop 
whinging, open your ears, shut your mouth and you might learn.  The thing 
that's so compelling 
about real techno, I think, is that you can't define it.  There are no rules, 
just innovation 
and a relentless, creative search for new ideas.  It seems to me that techno 
has taken 
influences from all overthe world and styles right across the musical spectrum, 
from jazz to 
electro-acoustic to disco to classical/romantic to blues to funk and into 
space.  That's 
progressive, not a so-called "narrow-mindedness" just because we won't accept 
trance or 
whatever other lifeless musical form back into the equation.

Here's hoping this is the end of the madness, alas I fear not.

Peace and total repect to those that know, don't give it up.


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