On Sun, 18 Jun 2000, Diana Potts wrote:

> I've been listening to a lot of downtempo records lately-more on the 
> Kyotojazz/Suzuki tip. Lately, I've been taking a break from the traditional 
> techno & house and have been spending alot of time with jazz,latin 
> music,jungle and trip hop.I need all the downtempo I can get right now:)
> SO, my 313 question is this..are there any 313 producers in this realm? I am 
> aware of Recloose,Jason Hogans-some of the more recent ones-but how about 
> further back or ones who are less publicized?
> Also, if there are any others outside of the 313 realm that are 
> suggested-please let me know.
3 Minute Blunts compilation, put together by Terrence Parker, who has
been known to crank cubase down below 120bpm hisself to good effect.

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