Right... last track ID's from me... ohmigod
but I've just got to get these tracks.
All are in Kevin Saunderson's first mix:


1) 15 mins in. Deep luscious track which is continually building up and
breaking down
again only to be brought back up.

2) 24.12 mins in. Has a female vocal in "I'm happy!" in parts. Another
deeeeeeep track
with vocals along the lines of: "Tonight wonderful things are about to
at the beginning.

3) 46.30 mins in. Tribal stormer with a male vocal throughtout shouting
goodness knows what but it sounds like he's saying:
"we coulda meet my underground" ??. Probably no-where near it though ;)

If anyone knows even one of these tracks. Please let me know.
If you know all these tracks please don't tell me as I'll get
too excited at the prospect of buying them ;)



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