Kit Clayton & Sue Costabile's Orthlorng Musork label continues
it's exploration into experimental electronic music this time with
the new ep by former Stol collaborator Stephen Mathieu recording
under his Full Swing guise. The Full Swing ep contains two long
tracks of fragmented minimal glitch-scapes that were supposedly
built using heavily dsp-ed drums and found sounds. A mesmerizing
tapestry of disjointed and reconstructed sounds.

Full Swing has forthcoming releases on Mille Plateaux and Ritornell.

Full Swing will also be producing a series of 10" remixes with source
material from autopoises, robert henke (monolake), kit clayton and
others. the series will be released on orthlorng beginning in september.

Other news from planet orth.....#4 will be an e.p.from orthlorng
co-founder kit clayton and should be released by the end of summer. also
lying somewhere in the future are full length cd's from both timeblind
and blectum from blechdom.

Here is the details on the Full Swing release:

. Full Swing: full swing 12" (Orthlorng Musork 03)
     - 11.55.330
     - summer

For more info check the Orthlorng Musork website at:

p.o. box 450715
westlake, ohio 44145
united states

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