This is a question best taken up on the Tech-Gear list:



Nick Walsh wrote:
> I heard somewhere that Emu make the best samplers. Not
> that I know. I can't afford any equipment...
> l8r,
> Nick:)
> --- photovore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > i dont
> know if this is the right place to ask this..
> >
> > if not... maybe someone can direct me in the right
> > place...
> >
> > but here is my question...
> >
> > i want to add a sampler to my current set up..
> > which sampler should i get?(i want to be able to
> > loop
> > the sample.. as well as play it backward)
> > how should i hook it up? (i have record out and
> > sends
> > on my mixer)
> >
> > thanks for you help..
> >
> > photovore09
> >
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