wrt 1st moog
> Anyways, After the original sat in the Uni he was at, collecting dust. He 
> said that students were intimidated by the machine, so it just sat 
> there.Deutsche wanted to donate the moog to a museum. He shopped it around 
> to museums all over the country and the Ford museum was the only one really 
> interested, and knew the inventions worth.By this time, the moog had taken 
> off and bands such as the Rolling Stones and Beatles ordered their own. The 
> Ford Museum was so thrilled they asked Deutsche to do one more performance 
> on the original before it went to museum land. You can see the original Moog 
> at the Ford Museum.

back in '85, Bob Moog was on a lecture tour to
promote the Kurzweil 250 (sampling keyboard). 
i attended a talk he presented at Wayne State U.
at one point he showed a slide of the first Moog 
and then paused and remarked that this had just
recently been sold to the Henry Ford Museum, to 
which the audience responded with a spontaenous 
round of applause.

coincidentally enough, Henry Ford himself bought 
the first Hammond organ back in 1935.

--eric (shouldn't this be on tech-gear? ;-)

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