those are the ones. Heath B. mentioned they were collector items...
i think it was #4 or #3... that i really liked... very chill, ambient, and
ethereal... not sure who made what though. not sure why i didn't get a
couple of the others. (being broke isn't a good excuse,
especially @submerge where you get more record for your $ than anywhere


On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Jongsma, K.J. wrote:

> > My most rare (at least 313 most rare)..
> > 
> > UR SID #5 and #7... not sure if they ever did a repressing 
> > but I know this
> > series was severly limited... Any info anyone???
> Submerge had the first 6 SID's back in stock during the DEMF. I think they
> did a repress but i'm not sure. I did not know that #7 exists, wo made #7?
> #6 is from Gerals Mitchell right?
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