I interviewed Paris the other week (the track is coming out here locally,
very exciting) and from memory he said he didn't like trance at all but
likes to play a lot of European techno these days and it was all cool stuff
he cited, nothing trancey at all. He is a lovely guy with a fun sense of
humour. I will have to play the tape back in the next few days.



>well if you want to get nit-ass picky, even calling this thread a take off 
>of 'detroit grand pumbas' is incorrect.Just as *friendly* FYI Detroit Grand 
>Pumbas are Andy Toth (Dr.Toefinger) and Mac/Paris the Black Fu.NOT just 
>"sexyness to the left of you,sexyness to the right-its all about the pimp 
>sandwich tonight" -FaFa Monteco,Black Jack Records

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