Greetings Cats!

DJ George Morel and I blew up the spot at Dockland in Muenster Germany on 
Saturday, June 24th 2000. On Sunday, June 25th 2000, I flew back from 
Duesseldorf Germany to Newark USA, and was scheduled to connect there and fly 
from Newark, NJ to Detroit, MI. Unfortunately, two separate events made this 
suddenly impossible:

1st -- there was a collision on the runway between two airplanes (which has 
been all over the national news).

2nd -- bad weather

These two things combined resulted in the cancellation of 25 flights 
(including mine). 

I was REALLY looking forward to making this past Sunday my last DJing at 
Tonic, and of course sharing those final moments with all of you. I was moved 
once I learned that many of you came out to Tonic this past Sunday with your 
TP Home Team T-shirts on! (That Was Very DEEP). I am sorry that I was not 
there to see that, and share in those moments. 

June 18th, 2000 was my last night DJing at TONIC Night Club located at 29 
south Saginaw Street in downtown Pontiac Michigan. 

To end all of the various rumors floating around Detroit . . . . Tonic was 
officially sold last Tuesday, June 13th, 2000. Although the new owners wanted 
me to stay, after careful thought, I decided not to accept their offer.  

There are so many details to this story, I could easily be typing for hours 
trying to explain it all. As much as I want to share all of the DRAMA with 
you cats, much of the information is very sensitive. So to be fair to all 
persons involved, I will not discuss any of the details. The bottom line is 
the vibe has completely changed, and I am no longer comfortable at TONIC. For 
this reason, I have decided the time has come for me to move on. I can assure 
you that this was not an easy decision for me to make. 

I am not asking anyone to stop supporting and enjoy Sunday nights at Tonic.  
However, for those who are interested, I am working on another spot where we 
can all gather and continue to share the vibe of the music, but the details 
have not been finalized yet. I hope that things will be in place soon, so 
that we can all continue to celebrate musical freedom in my new location very 

TO MY FANS AND FRIENDS, I want to thank each of you for supporting my vibe; 
which is actually OUR VIBE. Your support of my efforts has helped me grow 
personally, professionally, and musically. There is no way I can repay you 
for what you have given to me over the past 18 months. I hope you will be 
satisfied knowing that I gave 100% of myself to you each and every Sunday 
night at Velvet / Tonic, and I will continue to do so in the future. 

Special thanx to Rob Potter, who hired me and believed in my vibe week after 
week when I was playing music for less than 20 people when I first started 
Sundays at the Velvet Lounge in February 1999. I also want to thank Aaron, 
Marc, Dallas, Eric, Maria, Mountain, David, Doobie, and all of the bar staff, 
security staff, and DJs. It has been an honor to work with each of you. 

If you enjoyed the music this past Sunday, then you'll be happy to know that 
DJs Justin Acari, and Hugh C will continue the vibe each Sunday at Tonic. 

peace & respect,


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