okay guys, listen up.

this may not apply to alot of you outside of detroit, so i apologize in
advance for wasting oh so precious bandwidth. 

many of you who reside in Detroit know that radio, for the most part,
sucks like an oval office intern. you also know that there are few outlets
still available where creative, consistently good radio still exists.

Like the Liz Copeland program from 12-5am SUn-Thurs. For 5  years, Liz has
stayed up with darkness to play some of the most daring radio in Detroit,
supporting a wide range of music with an emphasis on local musicians as

Well, come July 3rd-4th its going to be her five year aniversary on the
airwaves, and its time to say thank you.

I am calling out all supporters of good radio (you dont have to live in
detroit) to call the program (there will be giveaways) and say thank you
for five years of excellent radio (i think you can listen in at wdet.org).

or, if you USED to live in detroit and remember lizzies program...drop her
an email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

often, we take forgranted good radio, but its like the difference between
eating oatmeal and salsa when someone is doing it right. 

thank you for your time.

off to the travel agent,


ps. the phone number at WDET is 313 577 1019 or 313 577 0810. 

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