*Stacey Pullen presents Black Odyssey "The Stand" on Black Flag Records*

...does anyone know what happened to this tune?  It was last seen about 5 
months ago in full 
white label disguise, but has yet to come out of hiding.  It is considered to 
be very 
dangerous, causing mass devistation in underground dance halls by means of 
relentless driving 
funk and should be approached with extreme caution.  Rumours have abounded 
about its imminant 
release into the community, but yet no confirmed sightings have been reported.  
If anyone has 
seen this item on the streets or has any relevant information of its 
whereabouts, then contact 
me in order that I may seek out the criminal beast and secure it for an 
indefinite period of 
incarceration in my record box.

...a reward of #7 or equivalent will be given to anyone handing me the 
offending item.

))\ ))  o  ___  )) ))
(( \(( (( ((_(, (( ((...

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