can we STOP talking about all the good music that I _DON'T_ have...damn, 313 is not only gonna educate me, but make my ass BROKE.I have a feeling Im not alone on this.

this is gonna be me soon: "oh sorry you dont have any furniture to sit on in my lovely abode, however if you duct tape those records together over there in a physics/weight inducing fashion, i'm sure it will resemble something comfortable/sturdy-trust me...oh and tonight for dinner if the dip tastes like wax...just don't think about it-i find it helps me get through the meal"

*flame protection*
the above was said with humor,jest and a
hidden layer of compliment.

From: "laura gavoor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [313] Chicago/Detroit/France/Germany
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 18:46:38 PDT

Fav Artiste Francais...St. Germain!!!!!!!!

From the late 80's on Ludovic Navarre has been producing some of the
sexiest, most beautifully composed music in my collection. Don't have his
latest release which I think came out within the last month or two.  Any



From: Dave Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Cyclone Wehner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [313] Chicago/Detroit/France/Germany
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 18:12:26 -0700 (PDT)

I love the way Cyclone's posts are always thought
provoking :)

To be honest, I'm not sure I know that much French
artists' music, at least not much that has grabbed me.
I have a couple of F-Comm records, and maybe an I-Cube
or so, but apart from that, nothing comes to mind.
What are some of the other French artists around who
are making the good stuff? I know Distance is a French
label, but a lot of their artists are from elsewhere.

At the moment, apart from my first love of the US
musicians, I'm REALLY enjoying the German stuff coming
out lately. Anyone heard the Ricardo Villalobos on
Perlon? It's AWESOME! What about the Users and Gadgets
compilation. Check out the Corrado Izzo track on that,
sounds like deep Detroit chords.

Sorry for waylaying this conversation. I just wanted
to express my new found love :)


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