I think it would be wise to let a group of people arganize this technical
thing of the list, so we don't have to read all kind of e-mails about
databases, photoshop ans ASP pages. It also speeds up the proces, if only a
couple of people make the desciscions insteed of all 800 people or so who
have a descriptions on this list. 

btw. i think it is a nice idea, just trying to improve the signal-to- noise
ratio :)


> > I second the anti-webring sentiments. Web-rings suck. The
> > navigation is
> > way too inconsistent and it takes forever to find anything 
> unless you
> > bookmark every other page.
> >
> > On another note- can we create something like the amazing
> > discographies
> > page at http://ad.techno.org - this has been a great tool 
> for me and I
> > remember seeing a post that the techno.org host is soon to 
> be history.
> > perhaps we can even reappropriate their discog. database -
> > i'd hate to see
> > it disappear.
> Recently exchanged a couple of emails whith the guy who 
> maintains this site,
> who explained to me that he is in fact putting everything in 
> a database,
> etc, but it did not look as though the site was about to close ?
> Gwendal
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