>How come certain trends on 313 are so easy to follow while others are
> ignored,

because you have 15-20 "trendy" people on this list that participate in
discussion on a regular bases, these people tend to favor certain 313
artist more then they do others.
(this comment is not directed at anyone in particular)

>why I ask this is because I know that there are more people on this
> list that get packages from Submerge or stumbled on certain
> material but it is hardly ever discussed.

I really don't see how the lack of discussion of promo material hurts
the list.
Pre released material eventually gets released to the public but it
doesn't get discussed on the 313-list because its not a 'Shake' record
or a 'KDJ' record, or a Limited Edition 'Jeff Mills' record.
Lets take Claude Young for example, when's the last time you've seen his
name mentioned on on this list?
He's still releasing records on a regular basis last time I checked.
I though you people would never get around to discussing the new Rob
Hood album.

I think this just speaks volumes for the quality of this list, and job
the list administrator is doing maintaining it.

Anyone got any deep philosophical theories they want to put forth?
Wait! I got an idea!!! How bout we organize a Global Underground Network
that will eventually take over the United Nations and overthrow the
mainstream music media?


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