
Sorry for being so delayed on this, but I'm now still catching up on 313
email I had. Only 312 messages to go now. I usualy don't go on and about
comenting publicly on other people's posts, but this time I must to go out
of the shadows and speak my mind.
I'd like to thank and pay my respects to Laura Gavoor for two recent posts
(July 19 and 20).
Objectivity of information is the way to formalize and endure, but Laura
spoke from the heart and managed to educate me and (I'm sure) a lot of us
here in this list that are here for the music but sometimes forget that
"Detroit" is not simply a name or a possible adjective for "Techno". Music
and enviroment are allways connected, and posts like these are documents.
Messages like these should be in some sort of "board of honnour"
Respect where it's due.

"Unconditional Empowerment"

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