
do you have such stuff in your country or town? police entering the party area and searching people, by the way clubs are open only until 04:00 AM in istanbul


It's definitely not unheard of, though the searching of people might be a bit excessive depending on how many people were searched and for what reasons of course (but I'm sure the laws governing what the police can and can't do is different in the US). In Minneapolis, Minnesota, most parties are cleared ahead of time with the local police force and they have fully sanctioned professional security companies present along with at least a handful of rather large police officers. It doesn't detract too much from the events as long as you're not trying to smoke up in the event area. Clubs in Minneapolis are only open until 3 AM and you can't purchase an alcoholic drink after 1 AM so you have a better situation as far as how late you can go in a club. Oh yeah, the music in the clubs kinda sucks in my town too.



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