I loved "Energy Flash" by Simon Reynolds (a guy from The Wire) - his thesis
on the link between drug consumption and techno is debatable, but he really
covers the whole spectrum of electronic music, which puts Detroit in
perspective ; the discog is extensive and interesting, though much messier
than the one in Techno Rebels.

And also, on the topic of techno-related books - two French guys have made
an excellent comic book "Le chant de la machine" (the machine's song) about
the history of house and techno, only the first volume has been released so
far - has it made it to the US ? it is a series of short stories, like "a DJ
invents the remix" or "three black kids from Belleville discover with
Kraftwerk", loosely based upon what actually happened... I may scan some
pages if anybody on the list is interested in that.


> Second: does anyone know of any good books about techno in
> particular, or
> electronic music in general? I've read "Techno Rebels" by Dan

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