I can agree with this "toneshift" phenomenon. I think in fact the term is
realy right for it, since I've felt it myself several times.
However, I don't agree it has anything to do with introvertion/extrovertion
of character. It has more to do with what you said about the volume of
information and predesposition towards something you *WOULD* expect to hear
in the music.

see, thats the thing, the sheer lack of information in repetitive music is whats so appealing to introverted/thinking types becaus eit produces very little anxiety. Its an enjoyment of freedom and projection in music and art. The repetition is raw emotion, non-defined emotions. The reason why toneshifting does NOT occure with say epic trance is because there is WAY too much info for the introvert, it literally produces anxiety and halts the emotional projection that is responsible for toneshifts. But an extrovert/sensing type hearing repetion needs more stimulus, toneshifting as a concept sounds silly to these types, there need for more input, perhaps explaining the harsh divide between "e" freaks wanting epic trance and art people pushing for "purity"...

This doesnt mean that if your introverted, you hear toneshifts everywhere, or that if you DO hear toneshifts, you MUST be an introvert, but the trend is very apparent. One only has to look at artists, there personality tends to be introverted, and they see/hear things non-artist dont. The problem with art is that it often comes out too defined, leaving only the option of "intupretation" and no room for "projection", defining the emotion becomes the water that quelches the fire if you will, it pushes some away. But with repetition and visual minimalism, as stated above, the information is just at the right level for "projection", the introvert is free to feel in a boundless manner---toneshift...

The other problem I am having in my research is that too many times, people say they love reptition because its "the right thing, its the underground", or for some political/social reasons. They dont seem to really "feel" repetition, but they insist its the best because Jeff Mills said so, pity...

anyways, i watched Better Living through Circuitry, and its a beautiful thing to watch Kraftwerk describe their first encounter with a drum machine!! But I concluded that the art needs to separate from the "rave", I am embarrased to be part of the "rave" scene in many ways, but fail to ba able to leave because of the art...



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