If music did have morals, then techno has promoted more drug use, sex and smoking than any other form of music

First....that's a faulty argument. If you're going to use a "If...then" statement then your equality is wrong. The way you stated your argument doesn't make sense. The correct way of stating it would have been: "If music did have morals, then techno HAS NOT promoted more drug use...."
Because techno is music, and if music DID HAVE morals, and drugs, sex and smoking are moraless activities (which I'm lead you are arguing) then techno WOULD NOT promote these activities...


Second point:
"techno has promoted more drug use, sex and smoking than any other form of music (and yes I'm including all the music in the 60's, we are the children of the baby boomers therefore there are more of us, way more)"

If you are really going to be taken seriously you should present some numbers and references backing your statements otherwise people will think you're a chump spouting off at the mouth. Which you're not but people might think you are.

Three: I'm really taking the piss


(and yes I'm including all the music in the 60's, we are the children of the baby boomers therefore there are more of us, way more). But that is a insipid argument that I don't care to give anymore thought to.

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