> I reckon the only thing we can do... is what we did
> with the jaguar rip off and that's boycott the label
> and artist and all of their products, encouraging
> others to do so along the way... That's the way I see
> it... They need to know that crime doesn't pay.

Just so you all know, Sony owns about 40 or 50 record labels world wide,
the largest being Epic and Colombia (with about 20 sublabels under them).
I have been researching thier company and can post all the labels they

Furthermore, I assume this boycott goes beyond sony music.  It should also 
include a boycott of Playstation, thier electronics and the other
companies they own like Awia, sony pictures (which means no 28 days,
Center Stage, Hollow Man, Loser, or the Patroit not to mention Godzilla
2000, Final Fantasy and Charlie's Angels which are comming soon), a
boycott of all movies and tv produced by Columbia Tristar (Riki Lake, Days
of Our Lives, Donie and Marie, Dawson's Creek, and the Young and the
Restless), the Game Show Network, and Pay Per View.  Keep this in mind
when watching TV and when buying electronic equptment (not to mention
computer equiptment).  

When going to the movies (to see non-Sony related movies of course) make
sure to avoid any theaters owned by Loews Cineplex, as they are part of
Sony.  If you live in San Fran, avoid the Metreon, and in New York City
avoid the Technology Museum.

Its really scary to see how powerful sony is.  The thing is though, if we
do an effective boycott of Sony because of the immitation Jaguar, in order
for it to be effective it would have to be on a larger level.  That would
mean that the song would lose some of its "underground" status.  Just
something to consider.

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