Nick Walsh wrote:
> There's nothing wrong with trance... commercial music
> is what I hate. All the kids are getting into garage
> now anyway (further proof that music never reaches
> their soul). No one should diss trance until they've
> heard the proper stuff out there... the underground
> stuff... goa trance and the like... There're warehouse
> parties all over London playing this kinda stuff...
> Check Koxbox's Stratosphere or any of Juno Reactor's
> stuff... Juno Reactor don't even call their stuff
> trance but it is... I think they have a site with all
> of their tunes on... Labels like Blue Room, Eve and
> Transient have stayed true to their music for a long
> time. They love it and, if it does it for them, that's
> good enough for me.
> If it's charty cheese tho, it sucks and should be
> avoided at all costs... Commercialism is our enemy,
> not trance or garage or the uneducated kids who listen
> to it. We have to show them a better way...
> l8r,
> Nick(Dj Pacific:)

well i don't get the trance stuff nowadays; it's too warm music for me.
for me techno is about technology, cyberpunk etc. mostly the trance
stuff is too 'human' for that. if i want to listen to smoother stuff i
grab my inner cities and terrence parker records and like, you know,
real house stuff. there was some good trance stuff, but nobody does it
anymore. like sequential - sequential on rising high records around
92/92 and that kinda dark and deep stuff. and maybe spicelab's 'spirit
of fear' track.. 

many trance records i've lately heard are just the same; i cannot hear
any innovation on those tunes. it is kind of music you can dance to if
you're really drunk and have nothing better to do, but it's not really
music to listen to, like most of the detroit/electro/industrial/ambient/
etc stuff that really tickles your brains when you listen to it. 

i mean, the trance tunes are formulaic: the long progressive house
intro, with some strings and arpeggios perhaps, then the break,
snareroll, vocal snippet, and a bit later maybe a bit more vocals. and
another snare roll. if this is commercialization or not, i don't know,
it's just something i can't find any vibes on. 

just my humble opinion. 

// sakke
work            >
personal        >

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