Tim Koch :: Please Don't Tell Me That's Your Volvo :: cd
Aural Industries :: www.aural-industries.com.au

The imminent US release of Tim Koch's 'Please Don't Tell
Me That's Your Volvo' cd on Aural Industries should be any
day now. Distributed in the US by SAFE Distribution and 
available from Skimo, SafetyInNumbers and all good stores
that stock quality music.

I'm sure many of you are well aware of Tim Koch's (Thug)
'Isolated Rhythm Chock' cd from last year.. it combined 
breathtaking electronica with distorted beats, odd rhythms,
and cute melodies.

Well --'Please Don't..' is a logical step ahead for Tim.
The intersection between electronic listening and digital
quirkiness seems to collide peacefully when Tim turns
on his musical skills. This release is an extension of
that theme, with a little twist..

Within 60 minutes, Tim manages to assimilate video-game
styled electronica tied to flowing blips and bleeps in a similar
vein as Lackluster, Plod, Arovane and even Plaid (yes, Plaid).
I'm still wondering why Thug hasn't appeared on the latest
Nintendo or PlayStation video-game as his incredible grooves
are an exhausting (yet fun) workout for the ears!  ;  )

'Please Don't Tell Me That's Your Volvo'
Tracklisting ::
01. werdan
02. boybie socks
03. rzswing
04. sudafed x2
05. lull
06. my_document
07. tsunami bros. II (Barry Handler mix)
08. the generalist
09. meat lovers interlude
10. binoce
11. themaxa
12. obatem by night
13. forgive me for wanting to forget you
14. nightmare seam
15. hello pan air
16. i split my etnies
17. tsunami bros. I

Visit the Monotonik online mp3 electronica label at
to download werdan, sudafed x2 and obatem by night
(search under Thug) to get an idea of what the album
sounds like.

There's only limited numbers of this CD available in the
US, so don't miss your chance to hear this wonderful
music and order it now from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or 

A lot of the above courtesy of a previous email
from Pietro Da Sacco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Aural Industries Pty Ltd

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