> Thats a good question - but does the theory take away from the
> music or add
> to it?  Does it make any difference?  Not on the dancefloor, when I just
> want to dance and generally don't care, but I do like reading the
> UR patter
> on the sleeves!  Don't you think that sometimes it can help to give more
> perspective on where the producer is coming from, though?  Reading it is
> optional.

I almost look at this question another way, thinking that dancing to it is
optional.  Think about how many hours on average per week that you spend
dancing to music relative to how many hours a week that you spend listening
to techno.

So many times people look at this music as strictly dance music.  I spend at
least 8 hours a day at work listening to "electronic dance music" and never
get out of my chair and dance around the office.  And when I get home and
sit down to do some reading or when I'm in the car racing around to blaring
music, I never break into dance.

So for people such as myself (I tend to think that I'm the norm rather than
the exception), I'd rather listen to music that engages me -- cerebrally or
emotionally -- rather than music that makes me want to dance.

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