hello 313 people.

this is mike of the 8 bit peoples posting to let you all know i am happy to have subscribed to the list here. i am an electronic music composer from the detroit area and have heard many good things about the 313 list so i took it upon myself to see what all the hooplah is about. if you are interested in finding out more about my musical interests or what i do feel free to either reply to this message with your questions or go ahead and visit our collective at ...


although the site itself is still under construction there are already many things already up including a bucket load of mp3s from various 8 bit artists in the "8bitchendise" section as well as the beginings of all our personal sites. we hope you enjoy what we have to offer and i will update all of you as updates are made to the site.

on a lighter note i was interested in finding out how many of you are going to the funkstorung and kid606 show at the motor this october. i am curious as to how many glitch fiends are going to pop up for this event.

anyway, hope to hear some feedack soon. this is tangible signing off. over. ::kshhhhh::

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